Sometimes an image, a quote, a moment, a place, a piece of music, a book, a website or a person can inspire you. Make you think, make you reflect, make you take action. This page is dedicated to sharing those things that continue to inspire us at Single Steps Learning. Maybe they will inspire you and your learners too.
As always, we begin collecting items for this webpage in January. We will continue to add to this area as 2018 unfolds.
Happy New Year!
Websites, Links and Apps
App: Chatterkid
A simplified version of Morfo - good for use as an 'animation' app with younger children. The app allows children to take/add a photo, draw a line where the mouth is and record a message.
A simplified version of Morfo - good for use as an 'animation' app with younger children. The app allows children to take/add a photo, draw a line where the mouth is and record a message.
Books, Articles and Blogs
People, Quotes and Conversations
A huge thank you to all the children, staff and families we have worked with during 2017. As always, there have been so many inspirational moments. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with you in 2018.