Training Events
All of our training and conference events are customised to suit individual requirements. We are able to work with individual settings, schools, clusters of schools, networks and PLCs, colleges, councils and local authorities, businesses and organisations, and are flexible in terms of duration and delivery.
Each event will be facilitated by both Andrew Pearce and Lynne Williams. It has been recognised that the quality of interaction and the way that we work 'with, for and off each other' is a unique selling point of the training. (David Powell, Lead Primary Inspector, Dorset).
Each event will be facilitated by both Andrew Pearce and Lynne Williams. It has been recognised that the quality of interaction and the way that we work 'with, for and off each other' is a unique selling point of the training. (David Powell, Lead Primary Inspector, Dorset).
Types of Events:
The following are examples of events that we have designed and delivered. Although we specialise in the full 'Designing for Learning' programme of events, we are often asked to use the same principles with a focus on a particular concept.
Designing for Learning
Designing for Learning
Designing for Learning
Designing for Learning
Please download the 'Overview and Outcomes' for further information.
Alternatively, please contact us if you would like to make an enquiry. |
Training Events in Stirling and ClackmannanshireFrom 2019 onwards, Please contact us for information on courses available in Stirling/Clackmannanshire.
We will be available to design and facilitate bespoke events for individual schools and clusters. |
NEW: Training Events in WalesThe majority of our training events are requested directly by schools, colleges or councils.
However, from 2019 onwards, we will be offering a series of training events at a venue in Wales (Bridgend). Individuals will be able to apply to attend the training. The training events will be closely linked to current national priorities, including 'A Curriculum for Wales'. Click here for further information. |
NEW: Learning Conversations and Effective FeedbackOne day event specifically focused on the giving and receiving of effective feedback. This event focuses on learning conversations between learners of all ages, encourages reflection upon and sharing of current practice, engaging with wider perspectives and considering tools/techniques for future development.
Designing for Learning: STEM
Designing for Learning: A 1+2 Approach to Languages
We are delighted to be able to offer our Designing for Learning with a '1+2 Approach to Languages' focus. This is a 6-day DfL training programme. Please download the rational, overview and overcomes for further information. |
Developing Independent LearnersTools and Strategies to support the development of independent learning and learners.
Assessment for LearningCreating and embedding an effective formative assessment culture.
Inspiring LearningReconnecting with the principles of learning and a chance to reflect on and enhance current learning and teaching practices.
ConferencesLeadership, Local or National Events
Recent Focus: Professional Learning Communities, Developing a creative, collaborative learning and leadership culture. |
Vision and ValuesWhole school and wider community day - identifying individual and shared values.
Year 7 Transition (to Secondary School)Focus on current strategies, strengthening the existing team and planning for progression.
Building a Learning CommunityBuilding and developing an effective staff community, modelling for learners and the wider community. Schools who have recently formed/amalgamated often request this training event.
Developing Employability SkillsThe infusion of 'employability skills' into the subject specific curriculum. 'Built in' not 'bolt on'.
Early Years: EYFS/Foundation Phase'Plearning' - Active Learning and the concept of learning through play.
Designing for Problem-Based LearningFocus on designing collaborative, problem-based tasks that engage and motivate learners.
Learning Support AssistantsAn overview of 'Designing for Learning' and the important role of Learning Support Assistants in the process.
Developing Internal Standardisation, Moderation and Quality AssuranceA bespoke event where schools can identify a specific area for focus (e.g. Writing).
Duration of Events
We are clear about the likely impact of training events that we offer. Short, one-off training events will not be able to achieve the same depth, long-term impact and transformational change.
Our experience of training events as educators, school leaders and training providers, as well as the feedback from schools and councils that we have worked with, indicate that the 3 consecutive day events return the greatest value for money in terms of sustainable impact. However, we are aware that 3 consecutive days are not always available and we can discuss ways to accommodate your needs that will be most effective.
We are able to offer short 'twilight'/INSET sessions, 1/2 day INSET training, 1 day INSET training, 2 day INSET training or a combination to suit individual requirements.
Our experience of training events as educators, school leaders and training providers, as well as the feedback from schools and councils that we have worked with, indicate that the 3 consecutive day events return the greatest value for money in terms of sustainable impact. However, we are aware that 3 consecutive days are not always available and we can discuss ways to accommodate your needs that will be most effective.
We are able to offer short 'twilight'/INSET sessions, 1/2 day INSET training, 1 day INSET training, 2 day INSET training or a combination to suit individual requirements.
Spotlight on 'Designing for Learning' in Stirling and Clackmannanshire, Scotland:
We worked alongside Stirling and Clackmannanshire, designing and delivering a series of connected events. This connects our Five Key Concepts for designing learning with the national agenda, Curriculum for Excellence, and the local council policies.
This project began in 2010. We have currently worked with 30 cohorts of educators, teachers, artists and leaders from Early Years Settings, Primary Schools, Secondary Schools, Colleges and the Local Councils .
The events have taken the following format:
The events have taken the following format:
Designing for Learning: Step 13 consecutive days with 25 participants
Reflection and Connection Time - Up to 6 months back in school/setting implementing the tools and processes. Online Support is offered for this period. |
Designing for Learning: Step 23 consecutive days with the same cohort. Continued online support is offered on completion of the events.
Designing for Learning: Step 3Additional 3 day event for practitioners who have completed Step One/Two (focus on progression, moderation, breadth/depth of learning)
Designing for Learning: Step 41 day event for practitioners who completed Steps 1, 2 and 3. Focus: Impact of DfL and Sustainability at School and Council level.
Designing for Learning: Leadership 3 day event with a focus on developing leadership; reflecting on practice and considering wider perspectives; leading the successful embedding of ‘Designing of Learning’ as a whole school/authority priority.
Designing for Learning: DHT Network
Bespoke 2-day event to support the identified professional learning needs of the DHT Network. |
Designing for Learning in the Early Years
Bespoke 2-day event for Early Years Educators and Teachers. |
Stirling Council’s comment on the impact:
“Stirling Council’s commitment and investment in Designing for Learning has had a marked impact on children’s experiences through refreshing and improving approaches to learning and teaching. The deliberate shaping of groupings has positively supported collegiate dialogue beyond the immediate working networks of individuals. It has provided new opportunities for joint working and has enhanced the facilitation skills of individuals both within individual staff development programmes and cluster dialogue.
Both Lynne and Andrew’s passion about learning and community building not only motivates but also inspires everyone who participates in the experience which in turn improves learning opportunities for children and young people.”
Both Lynne and Andrew’s passion about learning and community building not only motivates but also inspires everyone who participates in the experience which in turn improves learning opportunities for children and young people.”